

these are few pictures which explain how tough it is to find which wire goes where......

About SEE

SEE ............................. society of electrical engineers Not just vision its everything. It keeps us in unit....(required for every quantity) It always make us to think...... and innovate new things ( always needed)... Always a group makes us to think and removes confusions..... A detailed study can be achieved. Mutual transfer of knowledge takes place (like in induction... Transformer) No distortions in thoughts(like in digital meters) logical thinking increases( Fuzzy logic) definite conclusions are evolved(ohms law) Faults are common.. rectify them using necessary tasks...(circuit breakers, relays) Basic electrical engineering always gives a shock to CSIT guys>>>>>> new ideas are always needed.... better from group instead of by an individual which makes us to think in broader perspective.......( power grid..)...
Hi everybody.... This is sitaram for EEE ... infact for you too. here i am posting everything for u about EEE and about my college. U can see everything new to Engineering here and ofcourse to the college.i hope what you see here is veritable and hope it helps you in your academic progress in you can see new udates about SEE also. Thank you for coming here...........